Governor Heineman Touts Manufacturing in Nebraska

As far as we’re concerned, no amount of talk about manufacturing in our state is too much. There’s a reason we’re a part of NeMAC–we love manufacturing! Unsurprisingly, our state’s governor, Dave Heineman, loves manufacturing as well. As we’ve mentioned here on our blog, Gov. Heineman has been a long-time proponent of manufacturing. In his […]

What’s New In Manufacturing? August Edition

It’s been an exciting month for manufacturing here in Nebraska. With the very first 3D commercial print shop in Omaha and more, the community has been abuzz with the happenings and progress we’re seeing here in our state! To keep you up to date, here’s what has been happening. There has never been a more […]

4 Great Educational Opportunities In the Midwest This Summer

Spring and summer inevitably turn out to be the busiest time of the year, as Midwesterners emerge from their frosty winter shell. It’s easier to feel motivated to attend and participate when there isn’t a blizzard happening outside. In agriculture and manufacturing, summer is the season when that welcome sunshine helps crops grow and industry […]

UNL Set to Participate In Federal Manufacturing Research Hub

Earlier this week, we shared an announcement from President Barack Obama as he recognized the importance of manufacturing in front of the entire world. On Tuesday, CNN reported that Obama plans to create two new manufacturing hubs and institutes in Chicago and Detroit to attract new manufacturing business in the United States. This is an […]

Manufacturers in Nebraska: Case New Holland

This post is part of an ongoing series of manufacturer profiles. The blogs will cover some of the many big names in manufacturing in the state of Nebraska. Check back later for more posts in the series. To see previous posts in the series, see here: BD, Kawasaki, Hornady, and Kellogg’s.  Few names in farming equipment carry more […]

Manufacturers in Nebraska: Kellogg’s

This post is part of an ongoing series of manufacturer profiles. The blogs will cover some of the many big names in manufacturing in the state of Nebraska. Check back later for more posts in the series. To see previous posts in the series, see here: BD, Kawasaki, and Hornady. Manufacturing is a big deal. But oftentimes, […]

By the Numbers: Nebraska Manufacturing Facts (Hint: Good, Better-Paying Jobs)

We mentioned just last week that there’s a problem with manufacturing: there are an enormous amount of manufacturing jobs open in the United States, and not nearly enough skilled workers to fill them. But despite that shortage, manufacturing still manages to contribute $1.87 trillion to the United States economy–that’s 11.9 percent of our GDP. And for every […]