3 Ways to Find Out If a Manufacturing Career Is Right for You

We hate to break it to you, but there is no perfect job. In the Harvard Business Review, John Lees explains that “when people think about getting their ideal role, they’re falling into an all-or-nothing trap. It’s a kind of challenge to the universe—give me everything now, or leave me alone. Which of course reveals […]

What’s Really Important: Pearls of Wisdom from Mike Rowe

A “blue-collar hero” and generally outstanding guy, Mike Rowe is one of our go-to guys for advice on all things sensible, including manufacturing, following your dreams, hard work, and more. He’s worked tirelessly to draw attention to the plight of the manufacturing industry in its need for workers, and how working smart and hard can […]

Somebody’s Gotta Do It

About a month ago, one of our favorite blue-collar heroes, Mike Rowe, was splashed all over the news for a variety of reasons. He had just come out with a fairly controversial stance on what following your passion really means, and better yet, his new television show was just about to launch on CNN. And […]

Calling All High Schoolers: MikeroweWORKS is Accepting Scholarship Applications!

Calling all high schoolers interested in manufacturing: Mike Rowe, one of our favorite representatives of skilled trades and manufacturing in the United States, has come up with a program to offer scholarships to high schoolers looking to get into the trades. Mike Rowe’s foundation, mikeroweWORKS, and the Universal Technical Institute (UTI), a technical education training […]

Behind the Brand Talks “Work Smart, Not Hard” With Mike Rowe

Mike Rowe is a guy we’ve talked about before. Mike is a great source of information on manufacturing, and his work to combat the skills gap is very much appreciated by the manufacturing community. With the mikeroweWORKS foundation, he’s combating the “Work Smart, Not Hard” mantra that permeates so much of the conversation about education these […]

A Day in the Life of a Manufacturer

Figuring out what manufacturing is all about can be pretty tough if you don’t know anyone who is involved in the field. And likewise, it’s hard for anyone to figure out whether or not manufacturing is an attractive option without knowing what a manufacturing job entails. So today, we’re going to take a look at […]

Work Smart And Hard: Mike Rowe on the Skills Gap

Here at Manufacturing Nebraska, we talk so much about the skills gap because it’s such a profound problem. There are hundreds of thousands of jobs out there that need filling, but not enough people with the skills to work in those positions. It turns out that we’re not the only ones who think this is a […]