Using Your Local Library for STEM

Public libraries are a tremendously underrated resource for all types of students, and we tend to forget that these miraculous places are often not too far away from where we live, work, or study. Imagine: A free space to study, work, and learn. Computers to use for those who don’t have them, books to read […]

Keeping Up with Manufacturing in Nebraska

If you’re reading this blog, that’s already a great step towards understanding the new face of manufacturing in the Midwest, and keeping up with the latest news on Nebraskan manufacturers: all things STEM, education, and careers in a wide variety of industries. It’s important stuff, people! So on this pre-holiday Friday, we wanted to make […]

3 Things to Do Over Winter Break

Okay students, hopefully you’re finishing finals and celebrating the end of a fantastic semester. And hopefully, you learned, grew, and achieved in all the ways you wanted to that semester, as well as set you up to achieve even more in the coming months. January will bring a whole new year; it’s a fresh start […]

Manufacturing Podcasts

Podcasts are really an extraordinary development in technology, and an amazing tool for any insatiable learner or curious soul. Most of them (many of them) are free and they are essentially a chance to listen to experts teaching you about a variety of subjects. For us manufacturers, it’s fairly exciting that there are some absolutely […]