What’s On Our Radar: Manufacturing News for November 2015

Each day, we’re in awe about the dynamism of manufacturing these days. It seems as if the industry is evolving more quickly with each passing day, and Nebraska is certainly a hotspot for much of that action. Because our state’s economy is so dependent on agriculture and on manufacturing, there’s no shortage of work being […]

U.S. Factory Output, ISM Index Continue Growth in March

Earlier in February when the economy was still growing at a slower pace than expected, economists wondered whether or not the weather was to blame for the bad numbers being reported across a number of industries. Initial reports of numbers in March suggested that the weather was indeed to blame, and that warmer weather was […]

The 5 Best Online Sources of Information on Manufacturing

An important part of our mission here at Manufacturing Nebraska is keeping the public in tune with what’s going on in the manufacturing world. After all, understanding and being aware of the news around the industry is essential to having a firm grasp on why we’re doing what we’re doing. And luckily, there are a number […]