Manufacturers in Action: Kawasaki

Sometimes, the best way to get an idea of how something works (besides seeing it in person) is to take a look at a video.

Thanks to the incredible power of the internet, we now have millions of videos at our disposal. Whether we want to see manufacturing equipment at work, or just want to browse around and surf funny cat videos, we have the resources and the connectivity to do it.

As we see it, this ability is especially useful for people looking to learn more about manufacturing. Not only do videos shed light on a subject that many people don’t know that much about–manufacturing, of course–they also make it easy to get a feel for how factories operate in lieu of a tour.

One of our favorite manufacturers on YouTube also happens to be local. Kawasaki, which has a factory in Lincoln, Nebraska, has a wealth of videos online. If you don’t know much about how factories work–or even about what it’s like working in manufacturing–we definitely recommend these videos as a good starting point.

Take a look at the videos below to see a great Nebraska manufacturer in action in all sorts of ways:

See? We told you manufacturing could be fun! Want to learn more about opportunities in manufacturing here in Nebraska? Connect with us on  and let us know!