Manufacturers in Nebraska: MetalQuest Unlimited

MetalQuestThis post is part of an ongoing series of manufacturer profiles. The blogs will cover some of the many names in manufacturing in the state of Nebraska. Check back later for more posts in the series. To see previous posts in the series, click here.

The manufacturer we’re looking at today is one that’s close to home, both literally and figuratively. MetalQuest Unlimited, Inc., located in Hebron, Nebraska, plays a part in helping to further the STEM and manufacturing industries in Nebraska. Thanks to the efforts of Scott Harms, MetalQuest President and Scott Volk, MetalQuest Vice President, both members of the Nebraska Manufacturing Advisory Council, we’re able to more effectively spread the word about manufacturers in our area (to find out the full list of board members and the companies they represent, check out this page).

Sure, they’re board members, but they spend every day running and operating one of the most excellent precision machined component parts companies out there today. So, how do they manufacture these component parts? MetalQuest Unlimited works with skilled technicians, cutting-edge machines, and automated processes to precisely manufacture products. This means that not only are they experts at creating and assembling, but can work with a wide variety of companies to manufacture a wide variety of products. They partner with both educators and industry suppliers, and since they believe that quality is in their DNA, the result is always positive.

There are quite a few exciting opportunities at MetalQuest, Unlimited Inc., and just browsing through their careers page, it reads like a list of what you’d want in a dream job: vacation pay, holiday pay, workers compensation insurance, health insurance, health reimbursement account, a retirement plan, dental insurance– the list goes on. Best of all, as a company that highly values education, educational opportunities related to current job duties and for personal advancement are available. This means that for workers at MetalQuest, education doesn’t have to end after school is finished.

As a company that manufactures a diverse product range, their list of open positions reads in a similar manner. Open positions include IT specialist, Training Specialist, CNC Machinist Programmer, CNC Machinist, and Assembly Operator. All positions work at the state of the art manufacturing facility in Hebron, and although the job responsibilities are different, the team at MetalQuest all possess similar qualities. They’re hard working, have spot on interpersonal skills, enjoy working both independently and as part of a team, and appreciate being a part of a company that highly values the quality of their production.

Take a look at their full list of careers, . Regardless of whether you’re searching for a job, hoping to find a manufacturing facility to work with, or just want to learn more about the range of manufacturing options in Nebraska, MetalQuest Unlimited, Inc. is an outstanding company that we’re lucky to have in this state.

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