Now Playing: American Made Movie

Yesterday, we asked what manufacturing means to you, because as it turns out, there are a lot of young Americans who don’t understand the importance of manufacturing within our borders.

And today, we have something that tells the other side of the story–what manufacturing excels at, and why it’s so important. That other side of the story comes in the form of a documentary called , a film about why American manufacturing is great.

American Made Movie takes a look at the positive sides of American manufacturing–namely, the companies that still manufacture goods here in the U.S. (or plan to soon), and how we can work to help close the skills gap through training and education. In their own words, “by illustrating the successes of companies that have prospered without adopting the practices of their competitors, American Made Movie shows the positive impact of domestic manufacturing jobs on national and local economies in the face of great challenge.”

No matter whether you’re a young person, an old person, a teacher, a student, or anyone else, this film has a lot of meaning for those looking to better understand manufacturing in modern times right here within our borders. We loved the film (), and now that it’s out of theatres and available on demand, we absolutely recommend giving it a look.

As they say in the movie, at the end of the day, American manufacturing “gets back to just being good business to invest in your community.” American manufacturing has positive implications for the entire economy, and it’s time we all start doing our part to make sure all of our products and goods say “Made in the U.S.A.”

Have any questions about American Made Movie, or about American manufacturing in general? Let us know on or on –we’d love to hear from you!